Ions simulations and measurements

IR2 Collimation: secondary beams from IP2 (J. Jowett)

Related presentations

J. Jowett Daresbury Annual Meeting Nuclear Beams at HL-LHC pdf pptx
M. Schaumann, J. Jowett ColUSM#21 Ion impact distributions on DS collimators in IP2 pdf pptx
J. Jowett ColUSM#5 IR2 collimator positions to intercept BFPP and EM dissociation products pdf


In IR2, during Pb-Pb collisions, different Ultraperipheral processes produce varous debris. The processes considered here are Bound-Free Pair Production (BFPP) and Electro-Magnetic Dissociation (EMD). The debris created are Pb ions with different masses and charges, hence different magnetic rigidity than the main ion beam. They behave as separated secondary beams. These secondary beams will be lost as soon as the dispersion is large enough, in the Dispersion Suppressor, as shown in the following figure.

IR2 secondary beams

Beam envelopes on the right side of IP2. Main beam is in blue, secondary beams are labeled with the corresponding process name. Aperture is in grey, with the same vertical scale as the beams.

Energy deposition and losses

The most sensitive secondary beams, in matter of energy deposition, are BFPP1 and EMD1. The installation of one DS collimator in cell 10 would allow to intercept them before they hit the aperture, while keeping a big enough retraction with respect to the primary beam. The installation would be similar to the DS collimator in IR7: the 8.3T dipole MB.A10R2.B1 would be replaced by two shorter 11T dipoles, creating extra space for a collimator.

The maximum power density for upgrade luminosity is expected to be around 93 mW/cm3. More details on energy deposition have been presented by A. Lechner (pdf).

The measured losses in the LHC around IR2 during the Pb-Pb runs of 2011 show that the highest BLM signal is indeed in the BLM associated to the quadrupole 10R2, a few meters behind the dipole A10R2, as hown in the following figure.

IR2 secondary beams

Beam losses, integrated over 83s, for the right side of IP2 (black histogram), and secondary beams associated with process BFPP1 (red) and BFPP2 (orange). The losses are the highest around quadrupole 10R2.

Tracking of debris from ion collisions in IP2 at 7 TeV (M. Schaumann)

Motivation of this study:

Installation of collimators in the Dispersion Suppressor (DS) to both sides of ALICE (IP2),
to intercept secondary beams from bound-free pair production (BFPP) and electromagnetic dissociation (EMD).
This was presented and discussed during ColUSM #21

M. Schaumann Ion impact distributions on DS collimators in IP2 pdf pptx

Inputs for ions simulations

TWISS files for B1 and B2 calculated for the circulating 208Pb82+ beam with the new layout

Twiss B1 Twiss B2

Outputs from ions simulations

Impacts on collimator jaw

FLUKA input file

Energy deposition simulations (G. Steele)

Simulations of energy deposition in the 11T dipoles for different Dispersion Suppressor Collimator models (courtesy of G. Steele). Two "extreme" cases were simulated: a 50 cm copper jaw, and a 1m Tungsten jaw. Full presentation:
G. Steele et al. DS Heat Load Scenarios in Collision Points and Cleaning Insertions pdf pptx

FLUKA models of the 11T two-in-one dipole and the TCLD collimator assembly.

Collimator Assembly 11T dipole

1m Tungsten

Power density H plane, 1m W Power density transversal, 1m W

0.5m Copper

Power density H plane, 0.5m Cu Power density transversal, 0.5m Cu

Peak power deposition

Peak power deposition

Comparison of scenarios

Peak power density ( Reduction Factor Peak Dose (MGy) for 10 nb-1 Total power on magnet (W) Total power on jaw 1 (W) Total power on jaw 2 (W)
MB - No collimator 95 1 20 105 N/A N/A
1m Tungsten 0.8 114 0.2 8.4 77 13
0.5m Copper 3.7 2.6 0.8 46 42 6.5
1m Tungsten, 2mm half gap <0.1 >900 <0.1 3.0 96 6.5